
Hampton program responding to gun violence with karaoke parties, barbecues, piano lessons and more

Hampton Mayor Donnie Tuck during a work session of the Hampton Roads Planning District Commission on Friday, April 1, 2022, in Chesapeake.

Hampton is putting a new spin on an old program to help stop violence and prevent gang activity.

The program will target people ages 14-24 by offering everything from karaoke parties to education and mental health support with the goal of stopping violence in the city.


Opportunity Connect, which will start later this year, is replacing an existing program called Youth Connect based on feedback from a 2021 survey. The new program will address what respondents said, in their experience, often leads to violence: drugs, mental health concerns and a lack of adult supervision.

Many of those who will be eligible for the services already have experienced violence in the community as a witness or as someone who has lost a loved one. They may also be individuals who show signs of violent behavior or struggle with anger management or substance abuse.


The program will include other events like barbecues and outdoor movie nights with the hope of building community pride. It also will connect young people with extracurricular activities such as sports, piano lessons and art classes.

Opportunity Connect comes after Hampton reported its highest number of homicides last year — 33 — in at least 45 years.

It also will help participants find jobs, create resumes and prepare for job interviews as well as offer educational opportunities such as GED courses and certifications for jobs in fields such as cosmetology and construction.

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Part of Opportunity Connect will be devoted to young people returning to the community after incarceration by connecting them with housing, food and employment opportunities, in addition to psychiatric care and rehabilitation programs.

The program will be funded through an $800,000 grant from state and federal stimulus funds. The money was set aside for the program by the City Council in March.

The move is a part of the city and the region’s larger effort to address gun violence, which has grown so bad that mayors of local cities and others recently gathered to discuss the issue.

“It’s not something that we can police our way out of, but it’s something that’s going to take a lot of different collaboration and partnerships and strategies,” Hampton Mayor Donnie Tuck said at the April 2 meeting of mayors.

Opportunity Connect is offered through the city’s Youth and Young Adult Opportunities Office.


The office is also offering grants to community-based organizations that help young people affected by violence, whether as a victim, perpetrator or witness.

Jessica Nolte, 757-912-1675,
