
Inside Business 2022 Women in Business: Barbara Blake Gonzalez, ODU Dragas Center

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Barbara Blake Gonzalez is the chief administrative officer in The Dragas Center for Economic Analysis and Policy at Old Dominion University.

Job title: Chief administrative officer, The Dragas Center for Economic Analysis and Policy, Old Dominion University.

At work: I oversee the day-to-day operations of The Dragas Center for Economic Analysis and Policy at Old Dominion University, including business operations, new project development, personnel management and graduate student support. I wear as many hats as necessary to get the job done. I have been a contributing author to our State of the Region and State of the Commonwealth reports since 2015, including the chapters on domestic migration, brain drain, international migration, casinos, lawyers in the commonwealth and Virginia’s opioid epidemic. Our research agenda changes from year to year, and I love connecting the economy through research. It undergirds my personal philosophy that economics is everywhere and for everyone! I also serve as an administrative liaison for the center, consultant and member of various ODU campus and departmental committees, such as the President’s Student Engagement and Success Subcommittee.


Volunteer activities: I currently serve on the board of directors for the Norfolk Tourism Foundation, work with ForKids Inc. and have served on the board of trustees for LEAD Hampton Roads. I have also been a longtime volunteer with Norfolk Public Schools and the Girl Scouts of the Colonial Coast Council. My newest volunteer effort is working within the community supporting women entrepreneurs through local and regional “Shark Tank” pitch and grant competitions with ODU, Reddix Rules, Bank of America and the Better Business Bureau. Being raised in a family of entrepreneurs, I know how tough running a business can be, and I enjoy coaching these business owners.

Home and family: I live in Norfolk’s Colonial Place with my three daughters, Ava, Gabriella and Erica. I am originally from Trinity, North Carolina, but I have lived in Norfolk since 2000 and absolutely love living by the water.


Motivating factor: In my career and my personal life, I make it a priority to elevate those who don’t have a support structure to lift them up, especially women. As a first-gen student who received a large scholarship to go to college, I want to hold the door of opportunity open for others to follow.

Advice for women in business: If you haven’t already done so, reframe the way you look at failure. If you adopt a growth mindset from the start, you acknowledge that you are a work in progress. Being open to learning new skills, meeting new people and welcoming all that is “new” in your professional and personal life is incredibly important to your success. Remember, that also includes negative feedback and criticism. If you adopt a growth mindset, failure can be a powerful learning tool to help guide you to where you need to be.

The one thing I would change about Hampton Roads: I would unify the region. Being from the Piedmont Triad (High Point, Greensboro, Winston-Salem) in North Carolina, a win for one was a win for all. If a new plant opened in High Point, Winston-Salem cheered. Localities within Hampton Roads must stop the internal competition and unify to attract new economic development opportunities without city limits. New projects, such as a modern entertainment complex to draw top acts, a professional sports team and an accessible commuter rail service, are advantageous for the entire region, not just one city. We would all benefit!

Professional goal in five years: I am currently working on a book about economic empowerment and the powerful role women have in the economy. I also plan to continue publishing research on the economic impact of opioid addiction. Sadly, opioids are not going away, and we need to pursue policies that help alleviate the suffering of communities.

Downtime: I love to go ice skating and watch hockey.

What really gets under my skin: The lack of gender diversity in the C-suite.
