
Inside Business 2022 Women in Business: Theressa Kim Thomas, Resolution Think

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Theressa Kim Thomas is the president and CEO of Resolution Think LLC.

Job title: President and CEO, Resolution Think LLC.

At work: As the CEO, I am always putting together people, solving problems and developing solutions.


Volunteer activities: My activities have favored golf tournaments for the Peninsula Sports Club and Planned Systems International Inc. These are charitable tournaments in support of youth sports, Special Love for Children with Cancer and the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.

Home and family: My dad was in the Navy and my mom was from Newport News, so I was born in the area. While I was raised in my dad’s hometown of Oakland, California, I spent my summers and holidays in Newport News. Later, I became an educator for Newport News Public Schools for about 10 years. To this day, I spend my time between the East and West coasts.


Motivating factor: Family.

Advice for women in business: Always know your “why.”

The one thing I would change about Hampton Roads: Transportation accessibility.

Professional goal in five years: Growth in business, skills and opportunity.

Downtime: When I have downtime, I sleep.

What really gets under my skin: I am always working on my patience.
