
Inside Business 2022 Women in Business: Charity Volman-Winn, TowneBank Norfolk

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Charity Volman-Winn is the president of TowneBank Norfolk.

Job title: President, TowneBank Norfolk.

At work: I manage all aspects of the TowneBank Norfolk region, including our retail, commercial and private banking divisions.


Volunteer activities: I volunteer with a number of organizations, including serving as board chair for the d’Art Center and vice chair for Edmarc, and I’m on the board of trustees for Eastern Virginia Medical School. I’m also on the executive committee for Greater Norfolk Corp. and the board of trustees for The Chrysler Museum of Art.

Home and family: I was born and raised in Southern Maryland and was the oldest of five children. I moved to Virginia for college and have been here ever since. I currently live in Norfolk with my husband, Barclay, and our two fur babies, Tucker and Andi. I am a bonus mom to my husband’s four children, and we have six grandchildren ranging in age from 17 down to 3 months old.


Motivating factor: I love working with nonprofits, especially those where I feel I can help them further their mission.

Advice for women in business: Compromise is important, but don’t settle. Stay true to yourself. Know your worth. Operate with the utmost integrity.

The one thing I would change about Hampton Roads: Land a professional sports team.

Professional goal in five years: I’ve achieved so many of my professional aspirations that in five years, I want to being doing things that make a meaningful difference to others (family, employees, clients, nonprofits).

Downtime: I enjoy spending time with friends and family. I am so busy as part of my work and volunteer life that when I get downtime, I like to take long walks, read, relax, drink a great glass of wine, watch a beautiful sunset and just breathe.

What really gets under my skin: Hypocrisy, virtue signaling, bullies and how life has been devalued today.
