Military Columnists


Ship Mate: Step back and enjoy Leap Day

More exceptional than some of our regular holidays, Leap Day only graces calendars once every four years. Like a beautiful eclipse or a visit from your favorite aunt, the rarity of the day is what makes it so special.

Ship Mate │ Motherhood shouldn't be career-ending

THE UNITED STATES is one of only three (out of 178) developed countries in the world that does not require employers to offer paid maternity leave. The other two? Papua New Guinea. And Swaziland.

Ship Mate │ Finding a job can be a full-time job

I got my first job when I was 15 years old and have relished the concept of a hard day's work (and its payoffs) ever since. It's been a while since my days stocking shelves and serving coffee at Barnes and Noble, but I still look back fondly on my time there. I believe it's where I got my foundation for a pleasant and healthy relationship with responsibility and work.

Ship Mate │ Repeat after me now: It's only a movie

With the release of "American Sniper" a few weekends ago, the Internet has been a-Twitter with controversy. There are basically two schools of thought: the people who think these movies are amazing and relatively accurate displays of patriotism and history; and those who view them as just another chance for the American media to glorify and justify war.

Ship Mate │ In a year of searching, I found home

It's been a year since I started writing this column. In that year, I have moved out of military housing for the first time since getting married. I've finally become gainfully employed, after a painful year or so of searching; and I'm lucky enough to get to do something I love with people I respect and admire.

Here's to a better version of myself

If you haven’t noticed, the New Year is here. The days leading up to it, my social media feeds were swamped with dozens of inspirational quotes. There were statements that declared freedom from a relationship, an old job and the hope that once the clock struck midnight, they would automatically be reimagined into this newer, better self.

Ship Mate │Holidays mix celebration and survival

The holidays  are a mixed bag of emotions for everyone. The ideal in my head involves lots of quaint family scenes - holiday spreads filling packed dining tables, warm hearths, steaming mugs.

Ship Mate │Thanksgiving recipe: share the gratitude

THANKSGIVING growing up in my household was very traditional. It was a day of rest and vacation from school; I would spend it waking up late, playing with my siblings and cousins, and impatiently waiting for dinner.

Veterans Day Freebies/Deals

While I should have put this list out last week, I didn't due to a list of things but mostly procrastination. Better late than never, right? 

Ship Mate │Cherish your bonds, even in separation

AS A MILITARY SPOUSE, it's a given that you're probably going to move a lot. You make connections, put down the tiniest roots, and everything is yanked away from you as soon as you get comfortable.

Ship Mate │Check out Fleet Fest – while you can

HOUSTON, Aug. 25, 2001 The Johnson Space Center swims with backstage visitors at its annual Open House event. Some 140,000 people wander among the computers in mission control, see the 6.2-million-gallon pool where astronauts trained, and get a behind-the-scenes view of the space station normally closed off to the general public.

Ship Mate │ Navy uniformss:to zip or not to zip?

I'LL ADMIT, I don't know what I was expecting when I went to my husband's graduation from boot camp, but I wasn't prepared for the sea of men and women dressed like my favorite childhood teddy bear. Let me be clear: This is not a slam on Navy uniforms. They are memorable and instantly discernible - iconic, even.

Ship Mate │Labor Day: Please Take The Time Off

LABOR DAY: a perfect endcap to a perfectly mild summer. It's time to pack up the picnic gear and pull the parkas out from the back of the coat closet. It also means tomorrow marks the end of a three-day weekend for laborers all over the country.

Ship Mate | Unsolicited, navy uniform draws thanks

I RECENTLY returned from a trip to Texas, where I attended the wedding of a college friend. At the ceremony, an older woman behind us in the hors d'ouevres line asked my husband what he did. When she found out he was a sailor, she fervently began thanking my husband for his service, smiling at us as if we were a basket full of kittens.

Ship Mate │Finally, this house feels like home

After two years of bouncing between military housing units all over the country, I am finally moving into a residential domicile that is not co-leased by the Navy. This is a big step to me in more ways than one.